Construction works for L’Aquila town bypass

Construction works for L’Aquila town bypass. Junction between S.C. “Mausonia” Municipal Road
and SS 17 ter Trunk Road – L’Aquila-Navelli segment – Lot no. 02.

LThese works concern S.S.17 in the Abruzzi Apennines and Appulo Sannitico. The road segment is Antrodoco – Navelli – L’Aquila Town South Bypass – Junction between “Mausonia” Consortium private road and “S.S.17/Ter” – Lot no. 02.

The works are located close to Bazzano built-up area, in the Aterno Valley, at a distance of about 4.3 km from L’Aquila town centre. The project entails the execution of long raised road sections as well as a viaduct made in steel/concrete mixed structure and an artificial tunnel ensuring the bypass of roundabout no.01, where only secondary ramps interface with the road.

Project details

Principal: ANAS Spa
Amount: EUR 14,525,046.29